A official statement from Chi Omega headquarters:
Since the tragic death of Michael Starks on November 20, 2008, Chi Omega has held his family in our thoughts and prayers. As of November 26, 2008, the Alpha Gamma Chapter of Chi Omega at Utah State University has been suspended of all activities, pending further investigation. On January 19, 2009, a team representing the national fraternity visited the chapter to complete the Chi Omega investigation. As a result of this visit, the Governing Council of Chi Omega made the decision to close Alpha Gamma Chapter effective January 21, 2009. The Governing Council recognizes that Alpha Gamma Chapter has had a history of achievement in many areas and has many outstanding alumnae since its installation at Utah State University in 1930. Founded in 1895 at The University of Arkansas, Chi Omega is the largest women's fraternal organization with more than 290,000 initiates and 173 collegiate chapters.
This amazing organization has played a major role in shaping me into the woman I am today. I will forever be in debt to the woman before and after me that have taught me how to be a better leader, take initiative, truely be myself, study hard, serve others, believe in myself, take responsibility, believe in others, delegate, rely on others, and work together towards a common goal. This organization became something greater to me than I ever imagined. And then there are all the memories - table dancing, Monday night meetings, formals, Sisterhood events, crying all night long, chapter room sleepovers, games in and out of the house, events up the canyon, initiation, big and little sis events, senior week, prelude week, Rush, Bid Day, slate, nightly dinners, laughing til I couldn't breath, hundreds of great friendships, girls nights out, and the list goes on and on. I've always felt that our Symphony (or creed) was written perfectly and so poignantly over 100 years ago and are great words for ANYONE to live by. I know that these words were great reminders to me during those crucial years in college when I was learning who I really was. I will forever be grateful for my membership in this sorority and what it has done for me in my life. Forever and always a Chi Omega!!!
Our Symphony:
To live constantly above snobbery of word or deed; to place scholarship before social obligations and character before appearances; to be, in the best sense, democratic rather than 'exclusive', and lovable rather than 'popular'; to work earnestly, to speak kindly, to act sincerely, to choose thoughtfully that course which occasion and conscience demand; to be womanly always; to be discouraged never; in a word, to be loyal under any and all circumstances to my Fraternity and her highest teachings and to have her welfare ever at heart that she may be a symphony of high purpose and helpfulness in which there is no discordant note.
- Ethel Switzer Howard, Xi Chapter, Northwestern University, 1904

I am so sorry to hear about this. its really sad.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry. I know how much meant to you.
ReplyDeleteSuke- I am so sorry..I know how improtant your sisters are, and how important the sorority was to you! Love you!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry suker. That totally sucks.
ReplyDeleteThis breaks my heart, some of my favorite college memories involves all you Chi-O's.Seriously I can't believe this is happening, what a blow to or Greek community.
ReplyDeleteOh I teared up! Made me a little sad. I miss you! I need to plan a trip soon.