May 29, 2008

Gas prices...

This post is for all my American friends who have been endlessly complaining about gas prices. I just thought I would give you a dose of reality. (I took this picture yesterday)
Look closely at the picture. Yes, that says $134.9. Now, don't jump to conclusions.... That actually refers to $1 dollar and 34.9 cents or $1.35 (if we round it up). Gas in Canada is sold by the liter, not the gallon. And for those of you who are not familiar with the metric system there are 4 liters in a gallon. Here comes the quick math $1.35 x 4 = $5.40. Yes, that means that we are currently paying $5.40 for a GALLON of gas. So, to my American friends I say, "Quit whining, your gas prices could be a whole hell of a lot worse!!!"


  1. Lisa, I won't be surprised to see our prices be that high in a month or so! It really is getting ridiculous! I think Jared will start riding his bike to work! Good thing he's only two miles away...he really should be riding it anyways! I heard on Glenn Beck that the prices for gas will get around $15, crazy huh?

  2. AMEN! I am sick of everyone complaing....not to esxcuse myself because I have done my fare share. But if you look at how much everyone else in the world is paying and HAVE BEEN paying for a long time, everyone would realize that we have had some of the cheapest gas in the world for a long time now. We are just catching up to what everyone else pays. Not to mention everyone complains about it, but they continue to drive EVERYWHERE with their one kid in their huge SUV so of course they can raise prices cause everyone shells it out anyway. Not everyone....but a lot of people anyway.

    Sorry, I think I have ranted more than you and now I have probably offended some people....oh well.

  3. How sad. I certainly hope Kurt is done "commuting" before we have to pay your prices. And I thought $4.11 over Memorial Day was bad...

  4. You dang Canadians and your metric system! Craziness I say! Actually I feel really bad for you. It's getting silly how high prices are but I know the good ol' US of A has not got it as bad as everyone else.

  5. I just wanted to say I am glad you recognized the quote on my blog, people should recognize friends quotes, since friends is basically the best show EVER. okay enough of that. good luck with your high gas prices.

  6. Yikes on the gas prices! Have you seen the Sex and the City movie yet?!

  7. I have a friend who is in Germany right now and she just made a blog post and said gas is 8 Euro a liter over there which is about $13...a liter!!

  8. I LOVED Sex and the City....and I even went to see it alone! I need some girl friends here in Logan...everyone has moved! Come back! Miss you AB!

  9. Quick Canadian question, do you have gas taxes?

  10. Oh, I'm so sorry! I'll feel better about my $4.20 fill-up now!
