April 19, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....

Yes, you heard me right, we woke up this morning to 6-8 inches of snow! I know my friends from Utah are saying "so what" but it is very rare for it to snow here EVER, let alone in April. This year was considered a really bad winter (according to the locals) and I think it snowed a total of 8 times all winter.
Anyway, I love it!! It makes it feel a bit more like home for me. This morning I promptly cleared off my car and went for a drive to see the snow against the beautiful ocean views. But of course, I forgot my camera, so this picture is from later this afternoon when most of the snow had already melted. You can see that we had just uncovered our patio furniture and BBQ (the cover is in the background) and of course it had to snow the next day. What can you do?!? Well, I hope the weather is better where the rest of you are.


  1. Yay for the snow...except you're right, I'm sick of it here! It was nice to be in warm Georgia! How is it being able to hang out with Matt now? How fun! So glad for you!

  2. Yikes, this doesn't excite me to visit up there. For some strange reason when I think of going on vacation, I think it should always be warm! What should I pack? Help!

  3. I wish that Utah would give me a reason to miss the snow already!

  4. You must be a true Utahn to love the snow! I have to say that I truly loved California for the lack of it and am glad that it only snowed 2 times this winter in VA! I'm going private on my blog so send me your email to bloomerjc@comcast.net so I can send you an invite. Glad you are doing well. Cherilyn

  5. Glad you are still enjoying the snow, Lisa...we had a couple of inches Sunday morning, and it made me crankensteiner! I love it in December or January, but April? Yikes! And I just bought a super cute summer skirt with matching flipflops!
