May 14, 2009


Helen won the Biggest Loser? WTF?!?!
I was pulling for Mike or Tara, so this was the worst scenario.
The one time I decide to follow this show and this is how it ends?
I wanted my money back....wait.... I want my time back!


  1. Okay so I made a comment on your facebook account agreeing and it seems everyone else who wrote after me agreed too. LOL. Seriously. She looks emaciated. If you go to they have an article about her and all the comments below from people say how dissapointed they are they she won - not only because she friggin sent her daughter home instead of going home herself, but because she looks unhealthy at the weigh in.

    I have read from others (one who claims she works out at the same gym) that she took some colon cleanse thing a couple of days before so that she would lose the last bit of weight. Who knows if it is true, all I know is Mike and Tara look awesome and HEALTHY and I would rather either of them win it. Boo!

  2. I wanted Tara to win so bad. She worked so hard!
