October 11, 2008


I was sitting in Starbucks a few days ago, waiting for a friend, when I had an experience that scarred me for life.

I was just sitting there, flipping through a magazine and keeping my eye out for my friend when a mom with her newborn sat down in the chair right cross from me. My first thought was "ahhh, what a beautiful brand new baby." The baby started fussing, as newborns do, and I didn't think anything of it because that's what babies do, right? Well, instead of wrapping the baby up or cuddling her or bouncing her a bit (I'm not a mom, but I thought all of these things would be good ideas) - she decides it is breast feeding time!! Now, I am all for breastfeeding! I think its incredibly normal, healthy way to nourish and grow closer to your baby, but I thought there were unspoken rules to public breastfeeding. I was dead wrong in this situation! She pulled down her shirt, pulled out her bare breast and let it hang out there, while she adjusted the baby and got the baby to latch on. I was a little shocked at that point, but thought that it would be over soon, because she would then cover herself up as soon as the baby latched on - NOPE - She just left it all hang out there for the world to see. The most interesting part is that she covered up her baby from the waist down, but made not attempt to cover her breast.
Let me remind you that I am at the front of a very busy Startbucks, inside a big bookstore!! In the few minutes I actually remained in my chair, at least 15 other people gasped as they walked by. I had to get up and move. There was no way I was going to be able to finish the article I was reading.

So the question of the day is - What are the rules to public breastfeeding? I'd like to hear from mothers, non-mothers and even any males that would like to comment on this issue......
I am all ears!!!


  1. Hey!! Noticed on our traffic feed that you found our blog! I thought, who in the world from Canada is viewing our blog? Then I saw your name and had to click on it! It was soo fun to see your blog!! Well, since I clicked on the comment for your public breastfeeding post...being the mother of 3 children, I think it is okay to breastfeed in public if you have no other place to go (car, secluded corner, etc.) but you DEFINATELY need to cover up. And there is no reason to even show it when the little one is latching on...that can also be hidden under a blanket.

  2. As someone who breastfed a baby, it's totally WRONG to whip it out in public and leave it all HANGING out! Gross. I would have been mortified. Though, I do think it's ok to breastfeed in public, as long as no boob is ever seen by a public eye, only your baby's. I don't know what this woman was thinking.

  3. I work at Pottery Barn and we have a paper hanging in the breakroom about Nursing mothers. It is definitely allowed and no one is supposed to tell a mother doing that to leave or anything. Now, personally, I don't think it's right to whip out your boob for everyone to see. It's called being considerate of others. There is nothing wrong with nursing in public as long as you consider the people around and that they don't want a show!

    Hope that helps.

  4. Being a mother of two and have attempted to breast feed both times. I have stage fright in my own home, there is NO LIVING way I would even attempt to do it in public. I couldn't even nurse if I was in the mothers lounge at church. That's when I just bring the bottle and skip a feeding. It's really not a big deal to feed them a bottle every once and a while! (Well, again that is my opinion. But I only attempted to be successful at breastfeeding, it didn't really work that great for me!) I've had a similar experience and I am in ah that people can do that! I just saw a lady at a wedding reception last night...same thing, she tried to cover but no luck!!!)

  5. By all means, if your baby is hungry, feed him or her; but cover up! I do realize that some babies can't stand having anything over their heads. If that is the case, plan accordingly, and make sure to feed the baby before you leave your car or find a restroom with a mother's lounge.
    Urinating is "natural" and necessary, too, but I really don't want to see anyone doing it in public.

  6. I totally agree with Destiny. I think breastfeeding is normal to do..and not illegal by any means.But those that do it should be consdierate of others around them. Put a blanket over you for heavens sakes. Now I am no mother but one day I do hope to be and I can tell you that the only person who should be seeing my boobs would be my husband, and not all of starbucks. I would have been shocked too!

  7. 1- She obviously thought you looked thirsty
    2- She obviously LOVES her titties
    3- She obviously hates her child
    4- Her Starbucks coffee obviously needed milk

  8. Yeah so I breastfed Anna and there is NO WAY I could do it in front of people. I am all for brestfeeding, even in public. I am all for mothers who are comfortable with themselves. But you have to think of others! Cover up! 'Hooter hiders' and nursing covers and even baby blankets were made for a reason! No one wants to see that!

  9. I am dying right now laughing at your post and ppl's comments. I don't know what is going on in Canada regarding laws but isn't that illegal here in the states? Indecent exposure? If not when does it become indecent exposure? Or lewdness in front of a child?:) I hope she was a skinny blonde! Of course I am kidding... From a guys point of view...it's wrong to do in public. Some things should just be kept behind closed doors.

  10. Well being naked in itself is natural, right? We were born naked, so why not return to nature and run freely without apparel as God intended?

    Oh wait, He DIDN'T intend for us to be unclothed (it's true, read the book of Genesis in the bible). So I don't care how "natural" it is to breast feed, keep your boobies covered!

    Also, I get that as babies get a bit older they tend to pull the blanket off at times, but if that's the case then don't feed in public! For the love, people.

    Kurtis, BTW, love your comments!

  11. Too funny!

    I was trying to breast feed Jayston on the plane sandwiched in. I tried really hard to cover up, but I think that I had a nip slip. I think the old man next to me was going to have a heart attack.

    It's natural and beautiful, but please don't show everyone!
